

Chapter 67 of the Tao Teh Ching introduces the author’s Three Treasures: Mercy, Frugality, and Not Daring to Be First in the World.

All the world says that my Tao is great, but it seems queer, like nothing on earth. But it is just because my Tao is great that it is like nothing on earth! If it were like anything on earth, how small it would have been from the very beginning!

I have Three Treasures, which I hold fast and watch over closely. The first is Mercy. The second is Frugality. The third is Not Daring to Be First in the World. Because I am merciful, therefore I can be brave. Because I am frugal, therefore I can be generous. Because I dare not be first, therefore I ca be the chief of all vessels.

If a man wants to be brave without firSt being merciful, generous without first being frugal, a leader without first wishing to follow, he is only courting death!

Mercy alone can help you to win a war. Mercy alone ca help you to defend your state. For Heaven will come to the rescue of the merciful, and protect him with its Mercy.