
This site features all 81 passages (or chapters) of the ancient Chinese writings of Lao Tzu called the Tao Teh Ching, as translated by John C.H. Wu. These passages are from the Shambhala Dragon Editions.

Please use the comments section on each of the individual passages to share your thoughts with the world.

Part of the purpose for this site is to provide the world with a clean and easy to navigate site for this translation of the book. Notice the carefully selected tags on each post. Then look at the tag cloud to see the frequency that those themes and references are used. You can also search the site.

Another purpose of the site is to provide a virtual community where people who follow the ways of Tao can support this site and use it not only for study and reference, but for practice and growth, as well.

After all, if you want to master something then be prepared to work on it daily…for the rest of your life.

Students of the Non-Ado

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This site is dedicated to my father, Dr. Robert V. Gerard, a student of the Tao himself who first introduced me to the Tao Teh Ching when I was 15. It took me three years before I could appreciate the information and I have been studying the Tao Teh Ching ever since.

Christ and Tao

In my studies I have found that the author of this book was steeped in Virtue that only Christ knows. The Tao Teh Ching alludes to principles and themes that can be identified in all religions, and in particular the idea of the Sage (the Son) and Heaven-and-Earth, which are frequently visited in the book.

If you are a Biblical scholar, I encourage you to expand your studies to include the Tao Teh Ching. If you are a seeker of Truth, I urge you to pick up the book and begin studying the ways of Tao.


2 replies on “About”

Dear ChrisTao,

Describing Tao or christ is more than a lifetime’s work, if they ever can be descibed.
I bookmarked your blog and hope to be able follow your writings regularly.
I loved the images as presented until now, though I admit that I read them too fast. So I shall re-read them.
Good lock with your huge task!
Hans Gerlach.

Thanks for commenting on the site and for bookmarking it. I try to do at least 1 or 2 passages a week with commentary. I welcome you to
challenge what is written and hold me accountable for any fundamental misunderstandings in Tao or Christ.